In today's world, more capital campaign ideas come from a hybrid of digital and traditional channels. For instance, most people conduct online research before donating. Meanwhile, new fundraising tactics continue to evolve in the offline world. For example, in-person events such as special access to private discussions with thought leaders have increased. As a result of all the change, the capital campaign toolkit of any church has to evolve with the times.

As we know, the rise of technology has given churches new ways to engage donors directly. For example, during the pandemic, many churches shifted to online services. From these tumultuous years, church leaders considering a capital campaign must reassess. There are 4 key ways your next capital campaign will be different. We invite you to download your free resource to a different capital campaign, where you’ll read more about the four changes in capital campaigns:

  1. Engagement
  2. Attention
  3. Fewer donors give more
  4. Donor relationships

However, in this article, we look at one reason: people's attention is up for grabs. How do you ensure your capital campaign toolkit has a robust communications plan in a world where everyone sees countless messages on any given day? The reality is that without having a solid plan, your campaign may struggle. So, it’s vital to realize the future of church fundraising. And aside from fundraising, communication is one of the most crucial activities for your church.

Attention is Up for Grabs for Your Capital Campaign

Church leaders have a lot that keeps them up at night. Social and life noise and distractions make it much more challenging to gain members' attention. We understand. However, as you prepare for a capital campaign, one of the fundamental shifts for your capital campaign toolkit is realizing you need a comprehensive communication strategy that cuts through the noise. 

People are overwhelmed with emails, text messages, social media, and other forms of communication. Further, they also have an unending list of commitments. For instance, they might serve as ministry volunteers, on the school PTA and as elder-care takers for aging parents. 

As a result, when doing a campaign, some church leaders express their exhaustion from trying to shout over the noise. There’s just so much competition with messaging from schools, work, and other organizations. Therefore, realizing that attention is up for grabs is a vital capital campaign toolkit element. So, let's explore five ways to ensure you capture people's attention.

1.      Plan Around the Idea of Generosity for Your Campaign

When you decide to launch a capital campaign, you want to start the planning process far in advance. Why? In short, a capital campaign requires focused efforts and intensity. So, how can churches keep peoples' attention for a sustained period? A fundamental approach is to focus on the idea of generosity. The reality is that the concept of generosity is a basic principle of churches. However, growing the idea of generosity goes beyond speaking of it in a single sermon. To achieve a place of generosity, it has to be systemic and flow through all your ministries. A culture of generosity creates an environment people want to support.

2.      Leverage Your Audience’s Passion

For your next capital campaign, it's crucial to leverage the passions of your donors and constituents. Passion breeds giving. Passionate donors about a church and its ministries are more likely to give. Moreover, they want to volunteer and want more engagement with the church. So, what do your church members care about most? Perhaps it's about jobs, education, healthcare, children, veterans, and military issues. How can you tap into donors' passions? Start by asking your church members what matters most to them. Then, use these insights as a guide for your capital campaign messaging.

3.      Tell A Compelling Story with Generosity Messaging

The story you tell during your capital campaign can ultimately determine its success. So, how do you select a story? Start by tapping into the generosity of your donors and constituents, as mentioned in the first point. Remember, generosity is at the heart of philanthropy. To plan on sharing church generosity stories, start by looking at your current giving campaigns. Are there stories behind those giving campaigns that members might like to hear? What are your church's staff passionate about in your ministries? You can use these story opportunities as generosity opportunities to tap into donors' generosity.

4.      Commit To Data-Driven Campaign Tactics

As we all know, we live in a data-driven world. Whether you try to get attention for your capital campaign or drive website traffic, you need to use data-driven tactics. Data-driven tactics prove to be effective for a financially thriving church. For one, when donors ask for metrics, your data provides it, giving them confidence in your church. Also, data gives you insights for giving and informs church leaders and campaign consultants. Today’s data includes predictive analytics. In other words, your database serves as a goldmine for discovering patterns no human could ever ascertain. It's all done with the power of machine learning, but it's part of the vital data you need for your capital campaign toolkit. In short, data informs your campaign.

5.      Be Strategic with Campaign Partnerships

Partnerships are a vital part of any capital campaign. For starters, they’re a great way to expand your donor base. Moreover, they can help cut down on the time and money it takes to execute your campaign successfully. To explore strategic partnerships that could boost your campaign, start by identifying the target leaders and major donors you want to engage. Then, look for organizations these donors already support and work with them to create a win-win partnership. For example, if you are campaigning for school expansion, you might partner with the local science museum or tech companies. There are many ways to create a partnership that makes sense for your ministries. The key is to be strategic about your partnerships.

Expand Your Reach and Impact

Capital campaigns are a great way to expand the reach and impact of your church. However, to be successful, you should start planning early. Moreover, you should leverage your members’ passions, tell a compelling story with generosity messaging, commit to data-driven tactics, and be strategic with partnerships. You can only cut through the noise and attention for your efforts and expand your church’s reach and impact.

Following these five steps can get attention for your next capital campaign. Remember, campaigns for today’s world are very different than they were even 10 years ago. As a result, church leaders need to evolve to new campaign approaches. So, focusing on the new realities for capital campaign planning will help you succeed. But it will also help your church members see how their money will make a real difference.

Don’t miss reading this free guide for your capital campaign toolkit. For more insights about church finance, leadership, and fundraising, join Horizons Stewardship Giving365. It’s free.

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