Church giving was already becoming a persistent challenge for church leaders before the Coronavirus outbreak and social distancing. Now, it’s become a very acute challenge that is forcing staff and volunteer church leaders alike to wrestle through what it means to have a strategy and plan to make disciples and fund ministry.
According to Joe Park, CEO and Managing Partner of Horizons Stewardship, there are three areas that every church leader must address:
If you’re not confident in one or all three of those areas, this is an opportunity to reassess where you are in relationship to all three and begin to ask the necessary questions to create clarity and alignment across the leadership of your church.
In the Church Executive feature, Joe offers nine key questions to help guide your thinking. The reason why he offers you questions rather than answers is two-fold:
When you are willing to ask and answer the tough questions, you’ll discover:
Leveraging your leadership to help you co-create the future of your church is a privilege. The decisions you make during this time of social distancing will likely impact the future ministry potential for at least the next decade if not longer. If leadership is about stewardship (caring for what God has entrusted to us), then God has positioned you to lead your church through a very unique season of ministry. Step into that opportunity with confidence and courage. When you start with questions, you invite conversation. That conversation will help you curate the ideas and insights of those most invested in the future of your church. That becomes a perfect opportunity to invite a renewed sense of commitment, connection, and affinity for the ministry potential for your church.
Find more resources on increasing your church's giving during social distancing by joining Giving365, Horizons' free on-demand resource center.