Rich Church, Poor Church - Keys to Effective Financial Ministry Seminar

with Dr. J. Clif Christopher


Registration Due by Oct. 8

 If you have ever struggled with how to grow generosity in your church, you won’t want to miss this stewardship seminar.You and your team will receive valuable insights and knowledge of best practices from Clif Christopher, founder and president of Horizons Stewardship. Clif is the author of several stewardship books and is a sought-after speaker on this important topic. This seminar has received the endorsement of Bishop Trimble and is co-sponsored by the United Methodist Foundation of Indiana.More details can be found by clicking here or the clicking the "View Event Flyer" button below, including the very economical pricing for individuals and teams ($100 maximum/church).If you have any questions, email Greg McGarvey ( or Herb Buwalda ( are looking forward to seeing you there!

Click here to find out more and register for the Oct. 11 Seminar in Indianapolis, IN.   

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