Many Types of Leaders

There are many types of leaders in churches. Some are volunteer leaders, some paid; some are leaders by position, some by influence. There are also Financial Leaders, and they need a connection to you as much as any other group of leaders in the church.

Uncomfortable Talking about Money?

Let’s be honest. Many of us are uncomfortable talking about money, especially with those who have a lot of it. It can feel unfamiliar and even awkward to imagine ourselves having deep, one-on-one conversations with Financial Leaders and high financial capacity individuals about the specifics of their giving to our church. As uncomfortable as we may feel, our discomfort does not absolve us of leading, pastoring, and discipling people entrusted with large amounts of financial resources. In 1 Timothy 6:17-19, the Apostle Paul instructs Timothy very clearly on his responsibility to disciple those who are rich in this present world.

Everyone Needs to be Discipled

There is a prevailing idea that suggests people with money don’t have many problems. This thinking causes some church leaders to assume they can leave these individuals alone and focus on the poor, homeless, and destitute. That simply isn’t true. Everyone, and I mean everyone, in your church needs you to disciple and lead them. The process and needs may look different, but they all still need you and that includes Financial Leaders.

5 Key Reasons Why Your Financial Leaders are Limiting Their Giving

If your Financial Leaders aren’t being discipled by you, they aren’t being fully challenged to grow in their giving. That deficit leads to five key reasons why your Financial Leaders are limiting their giving to your church.

Reason #1. Your Financial Leaders don’t hear from you.

It’s that simple. People give to people, not programs and budgets. If your Financial Leaders don’t have a dynamic relationship with you, they won’t be inclined to increase their financial support. It also raises the risk they will shift their current giving to support those organizations with whose leaders they do have a strong relationship.

Reason #2. Your Financial Leaders can’t connect their gift with impact.

Many Financial Leaders are faithful church givers, but they often give more to organizations other than your church, sometimes substantially more. If you don’t show them how their giving is directly connected with ministry impact, they are not likely to increase giving to you.

Reason #3. Your Financial Leaders aren’t invited into strategic conversations.

I’m not suggesting you hand over decision-making authority to them, but I am encouraging you to involve them in your thought process; invite their input and wisdom. Financial Leaders didn’t come by their financial capacity by accident. They would love to help you think through and solve some of your most pressing challenges.

Reason #4. Your Financial Leaders aren’t being discipled.

Discipleship was meant to happen in community with each other. If Financial Leaders are not in a life-changing small group or Sunday school where they are being challenged to grow spiritually, they are likely not living into their full giving potential.

Reason #5. Your Financial Leaders aren’t giving more to your church because YOU haven’t asked.

The local hospital has asked; their alma mater has asked, and their favorite charity has asked. The sad reality is that most church leaders never make a one-on-one ask for prayerfully considered increased financial support. Even if someone is already committed to financially supporting your church, they still will be honored when you ask them to participate in a way that is unique to how God has blessed them.


When you develop a healthy ministry with Financial Leaders, you provide the possibility for deeper discipleship among some of your most committed folks. You will find yourself clearer about the impact of your church’s ministry and bolder about inviting individuals to invest in the life-changing work of the church. The result is not just an increase in giving but a powerful transformation toward a culture of generosity that allows your church to have an even greater impact.

Don’t be intimidated by the thought of discipling your Financial Leaders. They want and need you just like any other group in your church. Be bold and watch your ministry capacity multiply in the days and weeks ahead. 

Next Steps

Do you want access to more practical tools to help you cultivate a culture of generosity in your church in 2021? Visit our Giving365 resource center.

Do you need generosity coaching to equip you to grow disciples and fund your ministry? Horizons offers coaching at affordable hourly rates. Click here to learn more.

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