Easter Offering

In most churches, the Easter Offering is often one of the largest of the year. Despite worship attendance slowly creeping toward pre-pandemic levels, don’t assume your offering won’t make a full recovery! Even if some of your people are not ready to return to church on Easter Sunday, you can still plan and prepare for strong giving. In fact, many churches are reporting a substantial increase in giving already this year. Consider these realities:

  • Your donors still want to support causes that matter to them. Avoid deciding what your donors will or won’t want to do—instead, ask them and let them tell you how and where they want to give.

  • Donors give generously when there is alignment between donor passion and organizational impact. If you communicate why you do what you do, what you’re doing, and how you’re seeing lives changed, people will want to invest in it. Plus, many churches have received generous gifts from people they have never met, but who have become fans of their ministry through livestreaming.

  • The invitation to give is a part of the Easter Sunday narrative. It’s easy to forget that giving is more about the spiritual discipline of giving than it is about money. Giving through the offering on Easter Sunday is an outward expression of our inward solidarity with the Resurrection—a reminder of the new beginnings we all experience.

  • Show—don’t just tell—how your church is making a difference in your community and beyond. People never tire of hearing about your powerful ministries and their impact on those you serve. Use images and words to help people see your ministry impact.

  • Focus on the mission of the church and why you must be fully resourced to meet the needs of your church and community. Be ready to articulate the need, so your donors know how to respond—and what problems they can help you solve.

  • Be sure to provide adequate time for worshippers watching online to make their gift electronically. Share information about how to make a gift and be sure to test your online giving options to be sure they are easy, intuitive, and effective.

Have a blessed Holy Week.

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