As 2021 comes to a close, we wanted to take the opportunity to put together a guide to our most popular generosity takeaways. We know this is a challenging season of ministry. That’s why we wanted to make it easy for you to have the best of the best at your fingertips.

Top News

The SRD Group Merges with Horizons Stewardship. Elevating our capacity to serve more churches and faith-based nonprofits to grow disciples and fund ministry is definitely something to celebrate.

Giving Declines 44% and Worship Attendance Declines in 65% of Churches. Ministry leadership isn’t for the faint of heart. Stark realities call for swift and intentional action.

2021 Benchmarks and Trends in US Church Report from The Unstuck Group. See how your ministry compares.

Top Webinars

Budgeting for 2022: An Easy Four-Step Guide. The Pandemic is changing how churches and faith-based nonprofits approach budgeting. Learn how a few shifts in your strategy could help you navigate uncertainty with clarity and confidence.

What the Giving USA 2021 Report Means for Church and Faith-Based Leaders. Don’t have the time to make sense of all the data? We’ve got you covered! Discover what matters most and what to do next.

Adaptive Stewardship in the Post-Pandemic World. Our understanding, practice, and approach to stewardship must change as the impact of a prolonged pandemic continues to challenge conventional wisdom.

Top Resources

Every Number Tells a Story. When you’re going somewhere you’ve never been before, you need a guide. We use dashboards and data in just about every area of our lives. Why not learn how analytics can help you increase your impact and life change?

Leading Forward: A Roundtable Discussion on Analytics, Ministry, and Discipleship. This practical discussion captures how ministry leaders are effectively learning how to use data to inform their ministry leadership and practices.

How to Know You’re Ready for a Capital Campaign. Every church needs a multi-dimensional plan for ministry funding. Capital Campaigns create infusions of contributions that can create a new level of ministry capacity that will resource you for current and future ministry opportunities.

Three Churches Increase Ministry Funding by Reducing Debt. Every dollar you shift away from debt service can be immediately repurposed to meet the needs of your community and do more ministry. If you want to prepare for uncertainty, you need a plan to reduce or eliminate your debt, so you’ll be ready for what’s ahead.

Top Articles

The Next Big Thing in Church Stewardship. Get ahead of the curve so you can develop a plan to grow your members into generous disciples.

11 Ways to Revamp Your Approach to Annual Giving. How you fund ministry is changing. Doing what you’ve always done will almost certainly lead to diminishing returns. Re-imagine your annual giving strategy and watch how it will change your culture forever.

The Biggest Problem with Ministry Funding (And How You Can Fix It). The only problem you can’t fix is the one you don’t know about. The best time to prepare for the future was five years ago. The second best time is now.

You’re Not Alone

Horizons Stewardship helps church and faith-based nonprofit leaders grow disciples and fund ministry through a collaborative framework that is tailored to the unique culture of the church, aligned with leadership’s vision, and implemented through coaching, planning, technology, and analytics to ensure the church lives into its full ministry potential and impact. 

After more than two decades of working with thousands of churches to raise billions of dollars for ministry projects, Horizons has refined a deeply integrated, spiritually focused approach that consistently results in more ministry funding and more effective disciple-growing strategies. 

Horizons’ ministry team of International Coaching Federation (ICF) trained coaches and Certified Fundraising Executives (CFRE) are ready to help you discover a proven, effective process that will empower you to move forward with clarity and confidence. Churches that partner with Horizons, on average, experience a double-digit increase in giving commitments within the first twelve months.