

Tony Morgan on Seven Strategic Shifts Church Leaders Must Make Now
Tony Morgan on Seven Strategic Shifts Church Leaders Must Make Now
May 18, 2020 11:47:00 AM

Seven Practical Shifts Tony Morgan, a nationally recognized author, speaker, consultant, and founder of The Unstuck Grou...

[Expert Interview] PPP Loan Forgiveness Update: What We Know and What We Do Not Know
[Expert Interview] PPP Loan Forgiveness Update: What We Know and What We Do Not Know
May 11, 2020 11:42:00 AM

Note: If you missed the previous conversations between Horizons and CapinCrouse, you can find those inside Giving365. If...

Stress on the Shepherd
Stress on the Shepherd
Apr 1, 2020 9:02:47 PM

No Good Pastor is Immune from Stress No good pastor is ever going to be immune from stress. We have a deadline to speak ...

How Churches Avoid Fraud and Misuse of Funds During Social Distancing
How Churches Avoid Fraud and Misuse of Funds During Social Distancing
Mar 24, 2020 8:16:20 AM

Avoiding Fraud and Misuse of Funds There is little happening in our churches today that could be described as business a...